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IRCPM CMD HELP - Printable Version

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IRCPM CMD HELP - KillerStrike23 - 29.04.2014

hello, I need a help how to create a cmd:ircpm it send a message from server to irc like to pm irc or just give me the function of how to send anymessage from server to irc

Re: IRCPM CMD HELP - KillerStrike23 - 29.04.2014


Re: IRCPM CMD HELP - iZN - 29.04.2014

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "PRIVMSG %s :your remaining message or format or whatever...", ...);
IRC_SendRaw(irc_bot_id, string);

Re: IRCPM CMD HELP - KillerStrike23 - 29.04.2014

ty +rep xD