Registering a server hosting company -
MrViolence101 - 27.04.2014
Where do i go on to register a server hosting company. i want to start my own company. Selling gameservers, VPSs and such. Can someone please direct me to a website where i will be able to register my company.
Many Thanks
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
StuartD - 27.04.2014
How do you mean register?
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
Vince - 27.04.2014
If you need to ask here, you're not ready. You will most likely want to register with the Chamber of Commerce (or equivalent) in your country. Consult a lawyer or a notary.
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
MrViolence101 - 27.04.2014
Starting a Hosting company. There is a website where people go and apply for their hosting company to be registered as official.
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
Bingo - 27.04.2014
You need your own dedi server, domain, panels, staff etc.
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
MrViolence101 - 27.04.2014
One thing, where do i buy a Good quality VPS for under $40.
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
PinEvil - 27.04.2014
You can't just register a hosting company,
You need: A Panel, Domain, Dedicated Server, Staff *With maturity.
Edit: If you're making a hosting company, You need more like $500.
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
MrViolence101 - 27.04.2014
I live in south africa. So must i still go to that goverment agency and apply there?
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
Potassium - 28.04.2014
Originally Posted by MrViolence101
One thing, where do i buy a Good quality VPS for under $40.
How can you possibly be ready to start a hosting company if you don't even have the main part of it sorted out? Please save yourself the humiliation and don't start it until you know what you're doing. You seem to think that a hosting company is a quick and easy way to earn money, and if that's why you're doing it then I suggest you quit while you're behind because you are very wrong.
Re: Registering a server hosting company -
GeasyW - 28.04.2014
Originally Posted by MrViolence101
One thing, where do i buy a Good quality VPS for under $40.
You can't "Buy" a VPS.. you can only RENT one and pay for it Monthly. is cheap.