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Best Anti-Virus! - Printable Version

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Best Anti-Virus! - TheSAMPGamer - 24.04.2014

So as the thread title says, what anti-virus do you think is the best. I personally think
Malwarebytes is the best. If there is a anti-virus that you think should be on there,
put it in the comments!

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - Cuhz - 24.04.2014

Avast, free & beast!

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - TheSAMPGamer - 24.04.2014

Haha fast reply.


Re: Best Anti-Virus! - Hotbrain - 24.04.2014

I was using AVG till i realized its shit and my pc is full with trojans ( viruses ). Now im using Avast, so far, so good.
Avast protection is nice, but few times in month i scan my pc with malware bytes. It have really good and deep scanning.
It can find viruses that other anti-virus cant.

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - GWMPT - 24.04.2014

Emsisoft is good[you can find great reviews about it]
Link for the reviews

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - TheSAMPGamer - 24.04.2014

I agree that AVG is horrible. I used to use Avast but then I seen some websites with ratings of the best virus's and Avast and Malwarebytes where at the top.

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - JayMcDuff - 24.04.2014

AVG is a pretty good one, it does its job just fine to keep you protected and free.

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - YoDawg - 24.04.2014


Re: Best Anti-Virus! - TheSAMPGamer - 24.04.2014

Everyone has there opinions

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - xXxMofujohnxXx - 24.04.2014

Kaspersky mofo' KAS FUCKING PERSKY!

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - iAnonymous - 24.04.2014


Re: Best Anti-Virus! - DarkLored - 24.04.2014

I would pick ESET cause from what i saw its the best one in the world i got hacked twice using AVG and AVAST
cause they didn't delete the file and said its okay on the scan.

but its your problem if you open files or not cause not all the time a anti virus will detect a file cause the developer may have made a bypass for the anti virus so the anti virus won't detect it.

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - Fantastic - 24.04.2014


The best in my opinion. I got premium paid security.

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - Infinity - 24.04.2014

Originally Posted by dugi
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Originally Posted by Sergei
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Don't open random executable files and you will be okay.
A few months ago I would agree with you. However, in the recent past multiple trusted sites have been abused into spreading malware. Some examples are:

Malware spread using Yahoo's advertisements.

Trojans spread using advertisements on popular and trusted Dutch sites. (Note: Link is in Dutch)

These two cases couldn't have been prevented with just common sense. (Although Yahoo! is debatable )

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - TDM - 24.04.2014


Re: Best Anti-Virus! - rangerxxll - 24.04.2014

I've been using Advanced Systemcare Ultimate 7 for ages. It does the job well.

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - CLIT - 24.04.2014

YOLO! Literally, I haven't had Anti-Virus in years, I live by my motto"I got 99 problems but a virus ain't one".

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - LeGGGeNNdA - 24.04.2014

I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials and it has been working pretty good to me for a long time.

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - GreenSt4lker - 24.04.2014

AVG and Malwarebytes

Re: Best Anti-Virus! - Vince - 24.04.2014

Really, if you don't use any anti-virus whatsoever you're just incredibly naive. One day it'll slap you in the face, I guarantee it.