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Help Here cash got bugged or something - Printable Version

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Help Here cash got bugged or something - AroseKhanNiazi - 23.04.2014

if(GameHour == 23 && GameMinute == 59)
    	for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
			for(new playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
				if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && spawned[playerid] == 1)
					pInfo[playerid][pDaysAlive] ++;
					if(pInfo[playerid][pDaysAlive] == 365)
						pInfo[playerid][pBirthdays] ++;
						new pmoney, randcash;
						pmoney = GetPlayerMoney(i);
						randcash = random(pmoney);
						GivePlayerMoney(playerid, randcash);
						SCM(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Happy Birth Day (TESTING)");
now when there it the birthday of someone and no one is online it will keep giving him the unlimited money
but i want to give him the money an random amount we get from all others from their total money
forward GiveCashToPlayer(playerid,const money);
public GiveCashToPlayer(playerid,const money)
   for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
      if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
      if(playerid == i) continue;
