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Y_INI doesn't save the stats anymore - Printable Version

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Y_INI doesn't save the stats anymore - Kyance - 22.04.2014


( I'm guessing ).. The problem was at the registration dialog, turns out i needed to add rest of the player info ( enums/variables ) there too ;_;

Re: Y_INI doesn't save the stats anymore - PrinceKumar - 22.04.2014

Can u see all variable names in ini file ? And ur problem is : it is not updating variable values ? M i right ?

Re: Y_INI doesn't save the stats anymore - Kyance - 22.04.2014

Originally Posted by PrinceKumar
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Can u see all variable names in ini file ? And ur problem is : it is not updating variable values ? M i right ?
1) Eh..
You mean these?
/Users/NewAccount.ini stats;
Password = 432866421
Cash = 0 This should be "15000$", due to an achievement
Admin = 0
Kills = 0
Deaths = 0
Score = 0 This should be "10", due to an achievement
Muted = 0
VIP = 0
Reward = 0
TempAdmin = 0
IP =
LoggedIn = 0
PilotLicense = 0
ValidAcc = 0 This should be "1"
TimesConnected = 0 This should be "1"
Minutes = 0
Hours = 0
FirstSpawn = 0 This should be "1"
GettingAddicted = 0
WastingTime = 0
Addicted = 0
CantStop = 0
ProSniper = 0
Promoted = 0
EpicMedic = 0
EpicSupporter = 0
Reporter = 0
BanHammer = 0
2) It only saves the password, nothing else gets saved..


I guess the problem was at the "case DIALOG_REGISTER", i added other information there, and now it works.
Well, thanks anyways i guess.

Re: Y_INI doesn't save the stats anymore - PrinceKumar - 22.04.2014
