Server update - Printable Version
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Server update -
Leighton - 19.04.2014
So i updated my old gamemode to 0.3z and now it when i go to compile it, it says a_mysql not found. I have in the pawno include but i'm guessing that 0.3z uses a different or it wont read my pawno include files?
Re: Server update -
DobbysGamertag - 19.04.2014
Make sure you open the pawno program itself
then the script.
Yourdirectory/pawno/pawno.exe > open > yourscript.pwn.
I'm using MySQL R38 and i've not had this issue yet.
Edit: Try running it as admin. I use Win7 and again, no issues with "cannot read from X"
Re: Server update - Astralis - 19.04.2014
You must open the pawno.exe (in your scripts folder), instead of clicking on your .pwn, because you might be opening a pawno.exe of another folder.