how can i randomize a number 1000 through 10000 - Printable Version
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how can i randomize a number 1000 through 10000 -
DarkLored - 19.04.2014
Title says all how can i make a randomizer that will choose a number 1000 through 10000 i am attempting to create a bank account number generator.
Re: how can i randomize a number 1000 through 10000 -
DobbysGamertag - 19.04.2014
You want:
native MRandRange(min, max); // Get an integer in a specified range
Re: how can i randomize a number 1000 through 10000 -
DarkLored - 19.04.2014
Exactly do i have to download the whole include or is there a way to make it by yourself?
i don't really want to download a plugin for that.
Re: how can i randomize a number 1000 through 10000 -
ChuckyBabe - 19.04.2014
Then don't make it :3
Re: how can i randomize a number 1000 through 10000 -
EiresJason - 19.04.2014
pawn Код:
stock minrand(min, max) //By Alex "******" Cole
return random(max - min) + min;
//Use like..
new bankaccount;
bankaccount = minrand(1000,10000);
Re: how can i randomize a number 1000 through 10000 -
DarkLored - 19.04.2014
Originally Posted by DobbysGamertag
never mind i searched up some stuff and found a way but thanks anyway +1.
Originally Posted by ChuckyBabe
Then don't make it :3
that really wasn't needed if you don't have anything to post on topic then don't post at all will help you in the future.
Originally Posted by EiresJason
pawn Код:
stock minrand(min, max) //By Alex "******" Cole { return random(max - min) + min; }
//Use like..
new bankaccount; bankaccount = minrand(1000,10000);
Thanks but i found a way already +1.