Simple Ghost Rider FS -
TheSimpleGuy - 17.04.2014
Hi! I am TheSimpleGuy, and I am showing you today my first filterscript!
Do not flame me if I have any mistakes on my script. Thank you!
Simple Ghost Rider
What is it:
This is a filterscript that will spawn a Freeway and flames it(without being exploded) like Ghost Rider. You can also do this script for VIP's.
pawn Code:
new gr[MAX_PLAYERS]; // we will create a new variable called "gr"
CMD:ghostrideron(playerid, params[]) //
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, veh;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
veh = AddStaticVehicle(463, x, y, z, 3, 3, 3);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, veh, 0);
SetTimerEx("gron", 1, false, "i", playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Ghost Rider: ON");
gr[playerid] = 1;
return 1;
CMD:ghostrideroff(playerid, params[])
SetTimerEx("groff", 1, false, "i", playerid);
gr[playerid] = 0;
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Ghost Rider: OFF");
return 1;
forward gron(playerid);
public gron(playerid)
if(gr[playerid] == 0) return 1;
new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
SetVehicleHealth(veh, 200);
SetTimerEx("gron1", 100, false, "i", playerid);
return 1;
forward gron1(playerid);
public gron1(playerid)
new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
SetVehicleHealth(veh, 1000);
SetTimerEx("gron", 1, false, "i", playerid);
return 1;
How to use it:
Use /ghostrideron when ready, and if you're bored about it, use /ghostrideroff.
It might backfire on high pingers.
You can change name, do whatever shit you like here. It's just a simple filterscript after all.
Credits to yugecin, which I was posted this thread, but I did not know he already posted this idea. Once again, Credits to yugecin for idea
Re: Simple Ghost Rider FS -
Hammad97 - 17.04.2014
The Idea is from this FilterScript
You must give him credit, But script is different So nice
Re: Simple Ghost Rider FS -
TheSimpleGuy - 17.04.2014
I've never saw that before. Well, let me give him a credit. Thanks for giving me that link.
Re: Simple Ghost Rider FS -
satafinix - 18.04.2014
Simple Gj, But Make an other Update like this :
Ghost Rider FS
Re: Simple Ghost Rider FS -
Hade1234 - 13.08.2014
Sorry for bumbing, there was an object that can be weared on head, smaller than dat flame