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Dafq HELP NEEDED! - Printable Version

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Dafq HELP NEEDED! - AmitRaj - 16.04.2014

Okay , so i am using a released script , the problem is when i change the time it goes night again , and players said its VERY annoying , how to remove the time problem from script please help

Re: Dafq HELP NEEDED! - Flake. - 16.04.2014

Are you going to show us the time part of the script or are we going to just guess it?

Re: Dafq HELP NEEDED! - AmitRaj - 16.04.2014

Originally Posted by (*|Flake|*)
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Are you going to show us the time part of the script or are we going to just guess it?
do you want me to show 10k script , in which i dont know which is the line which is forcing the time !!

Re: Dafq HELP NEEDED! - Flake. - 16.04.2014

Originally Posted by AmitRaj
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do you want me to show 10k script , in which i dont know which is the line which is forcing the time !!
Ctrl + f + "SetPlayerTime" Something like that should return some results

Re: Dafq HELP NEEDED! - StuartD - 16.04.2014

Look for SetPlayerTime(..); OR SetWorldTime(..); within your script.

EDIT: Flake speed hax

Re: Dafq HELP NEEDED! - AmitRaj - 17.04.2014

Thanks stuart , and yea Flake use speed hacks