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plugins - hillko - 16.04.2014

Извините за вопрос! на в каком плагине можно сделать примерно миллионы обьектов, через который сервер не будет тормозить, крашиться, вылетать?

Sorry for the question! to plug in what can be done about the millions of objects, which the server will not slow down, crash, fly?

Re: plugins - iBanner - 16.04.2014

Lol millions of objects. Dude it will slow down your server it can possibly crash and fly whatever!

Re: plugins - hillko - 16.04.2014

I'm not saying what millions, but about 50. 000 PCs objects! and I asked what plugin will be better!

Re : plugins - S4t3K - 16.04.2014

Both of the server and the client will need a very good configuration.

Else either the client will be unsynchronized or the server will down.

Re: plugins - hillko - 16.04.2014

and the plugin that ?