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Vehicle ID - Printable Version

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Vehicle ID - detter - 14.04.2014

Is there any way to force specific ID to a vehicle or to change it.

Re: Vehicle ID - Bingo - 14.04.2014

Change vehicle ID like 411 is infernus.


Server vehicle ID?

Re: Vehicle ID - detter - 14.04.2014

id given on creation(server vehicle id) ,i believe first lowest number available

Re: Vehicle ID - Bingo - 14.04.2014

No, I dont think so .

Re: Vehicle ID - Lloyde - 14.04.2014

No you cant edit that sir

Re: Vehicle ID - Corekt - 14.04.2014

I don't know why you want to do that, but you can "force" assign a specific id X for a vehicle by creating the first X - 1 vehicles under OnGameModeInit and creating the vehicle with the id you want, then destroy those previous vehicles. That might not be the answer you're looking for.

EDIT: If you're doing this to keep track of a vehicle's ID, it's better to just assign the vehicle id to a variable.