/cc command - Printable Version
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/cc command -
WorldPro - 14.04.2014
Hey Everyone!
i did a dialog with checkpoint and list of cars.
Now , i want this:
When Player Will do /CC on the chat , it will be send him his car [The car his chosen from the dialog checkpoint].
** the car system dosen't save **
Re: /cc command -
VishvaJeet - 14.04.2014
CMD:cc(playerid, params[])
for(new i; i < 50; i++)
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33FF33FF," ");
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF,"^^Chat Clear^^ ");
return 1;
Re: /cc command -
Lloyde - 14.04.2014
pawn Код:
CMD:clearchat(playerid, params[]) {
return cmd_cc(playerid, params);
CMD:cc(playerid, params[])
foreach(Player, i)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 6)
for(new e = 0; e < 4; e++) ClearChatbox(i);
return 1;
Re: /cc command -
WorldPro - 14.04.2014
Originally Posted by Lloyde
pawn Код:
CMD:clearchat(playerid, params[]) { return cmd_cc(playerid, params); }
CMD:cc(playerid, params[]) { foreach(Player, i) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 6) { for(new e = 0; e < 4; e++) ClearChatbox(i); } } return 1; }
i asked for /CallCar Command lol.
the /CallCar command will send him his car [the car he chosen in my dialog].
dialog name: DIALOG_WEAPONS
Re: /cc command -
dannyk0ed - 14.04.2014
Originally Posted by WorldPro
i asked for /CallCar Command lol.
the /CallCar command will send him his car [the car he chosen in my dialog].
dialog name: DIALOG_WEAPONS
Show us the coding you made with the dialog so we can make the /callcar command attached to the dialog coding like how the car is spawned and how everything is coded.
Re: /cc command -
WorldPro - 14.04.2014
Originally Posted by dannyk0ed
Show us the coding you made with the dialog so we can make the /callcar command attached to the dialog coding like how the car is spawned and how everything is coded.
Re: /cc command -
WorldPro - 14.04.2014
Re: /cc command -
WorldPro - 14.04.2014
Re: /cc command -
AchievementMaster360 - 14.04.2014
Hey you can't bump a thread on the same day, I'll take a look into the code.
Re: /cc command -
WorldPro - 14.04.2014
Originally Posted by AchievementMaster360
Hey you can't bump a thread on the same day, I'll take a look into the code.
wow someone to help me.
thanks dude!
replay me later when you finished.