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Need help reading files with ParseFile (Y_INI) - Printable Version

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Need help reading files with ParseFile (Y_INI) - mrkiller90 - 13.04.2014

So, basically I am doing a roleplay gamemode from scretch and Im trying to make a house system using Y_ini , I can save correctly the problem is that when I run the server it doesn't load the files.ini , I don't know if ParseFile is reading the floats I hope get some help.

Here is the code:
pawn Код:
forward LoadHouse_data(name[],value[]);
public LoadHouse_data(name[],value[])
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++)
    return 1;

stock LoadHouses()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++)
            printf("House %d Loaded", i);
When I join the server the pickup is not created please help me I have tried so many things I've read lots of tutorials and I cant understand whats wrong :S (it prints correctly "House 0 Loaded" "House 1 Loaded"...)

Re: Need help reading files with ParseFile (Y_INI) - mrkiller90 - 13.04.2014

Please I need some answer )):

Re: Need help reading files with ParseFile (Y_INI) - mrkiller90 - 14.04.2014

Anyone today? S:

Re: Need help reading files with ParseFile (Y_INI) - mrkiller90 - 15.04.2014

maybe today? ):

Re: Need help reading files with ParseFile (Y_INI) - mrkiller90 - 17.04.2014

Is that Yini so bad to anyone help me with that?

Re: Need help reading files with ParseFile (Y_INI) - mjay768 - 31.07.2014

I have the same problem. cant load integers.