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Desynchronization - Printable Version

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Desynchronization - Stereotype - 13.04.2014

I've ******'d alot for this and i am here just to ask, is there any way to detect major player desynch's .. I cant control the players while they are desynch'd so i need help.. Regards.

Re: Desynchronization - DobbysGamertag - 13.04.2014


pawn Код:
I'd get the packetloss, compare the two, and if its above X percent. Re connect them or somethin'

Re: Desynchronization - Stereotype - 13.04.2014

Originally Posted by DobbysGamertag
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pawn Код:
I'd get the packetloss, compare the two, and if its above X percent. Re connect them or somethin'
Where have you been this time.. Alright, timer and this func. Thanks so much, rep+.. Hate u ****** -.-