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skin prob - Printable Version

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skin prob - UfsDev - 11.04.2014

Well, when i join server then skin selection appear then i select any skin ex: Cop skin then i spawn with CJ Skin
Any Idea plzz Help?? ??

Re: skin prob - Flake. - 11.04.2014

There's lots of ways this can be changed, obviously you've added the player class which includes the skin

You could always add a bunch of cases to OnPlayerSpawn defining each class as a seprate skin etc.. Show us the code for your classes.

Re: skin prob - Salman1700 - 11.04.2014

Show me your Playerclass code

Re: skin prob - superrobot48 - 11.04.2014

and your OnPlayerSpawn codes

Re: skin prob - UfsDev - 11.04.2014

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    new rand = random(sizeof(RandomSpawns));
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, RandomSpawns[rand][0], RandomSpawns[rand][1],RandomSpawns[rand][2]);
  	neonpickup = CreatePickup(1318, 14, -2448.3794,-122.6430,26.1381, -1);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, fliptext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, sptext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, jumptext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, tcartext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, cartext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Wtext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, vtext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, NameText);
	return 1;