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SAMP/GTA And TeamViewer Problem - Printable Version

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SAMP/GTA And TeamViewer Problem - Bashur - 09.04.2014

Hey guys,

Today i had a problem, When i was on Teamviewer and i ttry to open up GTA the game crashes But
If i close TV It works, I've never had this problem before Can someone explain the cause and maybe help me finding a solution?

Re: SAMP/GTA And TeamViewer Problem - Micheal123 - 09.04.2014

Download Gta San Andreas Mulitplayer 2

Re: SAMP/GTA And TeamViewer Problem - StuartD - 09.04.2014

What messages or codes do you get when SA-MP crashes?

Re: SAMP/GTA And TeamViewer Problem - Bashur - 09.04.2014

Stuart, I didn't copy them but i get those wierd codes you get when your GTA crashes

Re: SAMP/GTA And TeamViewer Problem - StuartD - 09.04.2014

Try and get a copy of what is displayed when it crashes, see if you can recreate the crash.