anti-teamkill - Printable Version
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anti-teamkill -
Extraordinariness - 09.04.2014
I am looking for good anti teamkill not anti team kill kick.
SetPlayerTeam doesn't work.
OPSP works, but when you spam it, he still reduces health.
I want something like TDM servers when you spam the enemy, he/she doesn't reduce health.
What is that secret?
Re: anti-teamkill -
awsomedude - 09.04.2014
Try using OnPlayerWeaponShot
Note: They will still get hurt if its not a weapon that shoots.
Re: anti-teamkill -
Extraordinariness - 09.04.2014
Okay, I'll try.
Thanks man
Re: anti-teamkill -
SickAttack - 09.04.2014
You can easily use SetPlayerTeam(playerid, id); to make an anti team kill.
pawn Код:
if(classid == 0)
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 1);
if(classid == 1)
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 1);
if(classid == 3)
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 255);
Class 1 and 2 can't kill each other, class 1 and 2 can kill class 3, class 3 can kill class 1 and 2.
255 = Null.
Re: anti-teamkill -
Extraordinariness - 09.04.2014
Originally Posted by Extraordinariness
SetPlayerTeam doesn't work.
Re: anti-teamkill -
SickAttack - 09.04.2014
Originally Posted by Extraordinariness
SetPlayerTeam works.
Yes it does, its not my fault you don't know how to use it in a proper way... Go get some scripting skills before placing false statements...
Re: anti-teamkill -
Equuuuin0X - 09.04.2014
Put this ontop of your script.
pawn Код:
forward TeamProtection();
This under OnGameModeInIt()
pawn Код:
SetTimer("TeamProtection", 5000 ,true);
dis anywhere in your script, I'm using SetPlayerTeam yes, you said it didnt work, but I'm sure 100% this waay anti-teamkll style will work.
pawn Код:
public TeamProtection()
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
SetPlayerTeam(i, gTeam[i]);