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SA-MP Starts When I Compile Script? - Printable Version

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SA-MP Starts When I Compile Script? - ronbobman - 08.04.2014

Okay, so the title says it all, I hit F5 and it begins to launch SA-MP, and I don't think it's compiling the script properly, because when I go in-game nothing has changed.

So is there anything I can do to stop this?

Re: SA-MP Starts When I Compile Script? - VishvaJeet - 08.04.2014

you must restart the server or reload your FS

Re: SA-MP Starts When I Compile Script? - ronbobman - 08.04.2014

Um, how would I go about reloading the FS?

Re: SA-MP Starts When I Compile Script? - Laure - 08.04.2014

You can do it by editing your server.cfg a configuration file dude.

Re: SA-MP Starts When I Compile Script? - ronbobman - 08.04.2014

Think you can give me some sort of an example of what I would do? Anything I've tried to look up doesn't seem relevant to what I need.

Re: SA-MP Starts When I Compile Script? - Laure - 08.04.2014

After opening server.cfg in the line of filterscripts you delete all of them and save and then try to compile again.