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Samp crashes after ~5 minutes - Printable Version

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Samp crashes after ~5 minutes - Qpel - 07.04.2014

Hello everyone.. Have a big problem. Every time after playing SA-MP for ~5minutes getting opcode error.

... Exception At Address: 0x035F8478 ...

... Exception At Address: 0x018F8478 ...

and everytime it's another exception address...

Tried EVERYTHING I know. Re-installed few times, deleted from regedit all information....

Help me, please.

Re: Samp crashes after ~5 minutes - Fantastic - 07.04.2014

If you have any mods installed, please uninstall them and this should do the trick.

Re: Samp crashes after ~5 minutes - THE_KING$5$ - 07.04.2014

Must be a Problem With your Computer or Gta san.
Maybe your Server or the Server.

Re: Samp crashes after ~5 minutes - Micheal123 - 07.04.2014

you need to have Gta San Andreas Mulitplayer 2 if you have mods remove

download mods with 0.3z if you need

Re: Samp crashes after ~5 minutes - Kronossis - 07.04.2014

You need to remove your mods.

Try installing one mod at the time, than log in game and see if the mod runs good. That way you'll know what mod caused the problem.

Playing with no mods at all help a lot when it comes to this.