Tab level - Printable Version
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Tab level -
George0305 - 07.04.2014
Hello,i have a problem,i set the level to let`s say 10,when i do /stats it appears to be 10 but when i press TAB it says it`s 0.I have the SyncUp thing,i don`t know what`s the problem.If you need any part of the code,tell me.Thanks.
Re: Tab level -
Binx - 07.04.2014
you mean the score when you press TAB?
Make sure you use: SetPlayerScore(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] += score);
Something like that.
Re: Tab level -
Abagail - 07.04.2014
SetPlayerScore(playerid, Level[playerid]);
Obviously you'd replace the "Level[playerid]" with whatever you use for the players level...
Re: Tab level -
George0305 - 07.04.2014
Until yesterday it was working,now it doesn`t.
Here`s the code.
public DollahScoreUpdate()
new LevScore;
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
LevScore = PlayerInfo[i][pLevel];
SetPlayerScore(i, LevScore);
return 1;
Re: Tab level -
George0305 - 09.04.2014
Also i got a problem,when i try to use AttachObjectToVehicle,i declare everything correctly,i put it right where my mapping items start,in game it appears the car with all the items correctly attached but the cars which are declared with dealershipcar = AddStaticVehicle.... are missing.
Anyone knows why?
If needed i will post the code.