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i need help 3 erros.. - Printable Version

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i need help 3 erros.. - iThePunisher - 05.04.2014

i have got a problem when i add getplayertargetid ....
anyone can tell me how to fix this?
here are the error
pawn Код:
C:\Users\arjan\Desktop\LSCNR\filterscripts\NpcRobbery.pwn(64) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerTargetPlayer"
C:\Users\arjan\Desktop\LSCNR\filterscripts\NpcRobbery.pwn(174) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerTargetPlayer"
C:\Users\arjan\Desktop\LSCNR\filterscripts\NpcRobbery.pwn(172) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "playerid"
C:\Users\arjan\Desktop\LSCNR\filterscripts\NpcRobbery.pwn(250) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerTargetPlayer"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664          Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.
here are the error lines
pawn Код:
new targetplayer = GetPlayerTargetPlayer(playerid); //line 250
pawn Код:
stock CheckAimingRobNPC(playerid) //line 172
    new targetplayer = GetPlayerTargetPlayer(playerid); //line 174
pawn Код:
new targetplayer = GetPlayerTargetPlayer(playerid);//line 64
    if (targetplayer != npcid) //line 65

Re: i need help 3 erros.. - ReD_HunTeR - 05.04.2014

Can you show 4-5 Lines more about that.. ?

Re: i need help 3 erros.. - Konstantinos - 05.04.2014

GetPlayerTargetPlayer was added in 0.3d so update the server package (including

Originally Posted by BlackBomb
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Can you show 4-5 Lines more about that.. ?
You don't need them.

Re: i need help 3 erros.. - iThePunisher - 05.04.2014

is there any other way to change this getplayertarget to 0.3z function ?

Re: i need help 3 erros.. - iThePunisher - 07.04.2014

anyone knows?

Re: i need help 3 erros.. - Stanford - 07.04.2014

in 0.3z there weren't any changes added to that function, so you don't need to update it, just update the whole server package to the new 0.3z and re-compile your script.

Re: i need help 3 erros.. - iThePunisher - 07.04.2014

when i put that script in 0.3d server package no errors when i compile
but when i put the script in 0.3z server package it gives me the errors up.....