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MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - Printable Version

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MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - Mriss - 05.04.2014

Okay so I got this code>
pawn Код:
CMD:top(playerid, params[])
    new playerData[512], clanname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[512], clankills;
    mysql_query(MysqlCon,"SELECT `user`, `Score` FROM `players` ORDER BY `Score`");
        sscanf(playerData, "p<|>s[512]d", clanname, clankills);

        format(string, sizeof(string), "%s\n"RED"Clan: %s"BLUE"Kills: %d", string, clanname, clankills);
        //SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, string);
        ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Location: Top Clans", string, "(Close)", "");
    return 1;
I get some errors
C:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\SA-MP\gamemodes\cnr.pwn(3501) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_store_result"
C:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\SA-MP\gamemodes\cnr.pwn(3502) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_retrieve_row"
C:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\SA-MP\gamemodes\cnr.pwn(3504) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_fetch_row"
C:\Users\Bradley\Desktop\SA-MP\gamemodes\cnr.pwn(3511) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_free_result"
How do I fix?

Re: MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - Luca12 - 05.04.2014

Beacuse you use wrong mysql plugin. R38 has not function mysql_store_result. You need mysql plugin R6 if I correct. I hope so that I help you.

Re: MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - Mriss - 05.04.2014

How would I be able to make the code into R38?

Re: MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - Luca12 - 05.04.2014

you have tutorials on forums. I still learning new functions for r38. Use search.

Re: MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - Mriss - 05.04.2014

Anyone know how to do it?

Re: MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - zT KiNgKoNg - 05.04.2014

You need to use the R5 version or R6. I prefer R7

Re: MySQL BlueG R 38 HELP - AiRaLoKa - 26.05.2014

i have no idea what are you doing with that command. do you want to retrieve the top clans or player's score?