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[HELP] last activity - Printable Version

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[HELP] last activity - Luca12 - 02.04.2014

Hello how can I make on onplayerdisconnect when player leave a server then in his acc is written the date when he was last on server if you know what I mean? Thanks

Re: [HELP] last activity - Luca12 - 02.04.2014

mysql I try with set as string int and date but nothing it not works

Re: [HELP] last activity - AhmedMohamed - 02.04.2014

you can save the date on the player file " Playername.ini " and onplayerconnect get the date, and it's done.
you can save it with:
OH ok wasn't read

Re: [HELP] last activity - zT KiNgKoNg - 02.04.2014

If its a INT it will not work with a string.

Re: [HELP] last activity - Luca12 - 02.04.2014

I also have that but I use string for dates and it give me something.0 993942394 instead 2/4/2014 that is problem aand I don't know what cause that

Re: [HELP] last activity - EiresJason - 02.04.2014

Is the variable storing the date declared as a INT or a VARCHAR in the SQL database?

This is the main thing i can see wrong, I haven't worked with MySQL before.

Re: [HELP] last activity - Luca12 - 02.04.2014

I also was try with int and nothing know it's stored as varchar I tryed also with date but nothing

Re: [HELP] last activity - EiresJason - 02.04.2014

Post the code where you try to save it correctly in the OnPlayerDisconnect callback so someone might see what's wrong.

Not sure if I will be able to help but someone else will hopefully reply.

Re: [HELP] last activity - Luca12 - 02.04.2014

first is this

pawn Код:
new string[128],day,month,year;
and here is saving

pawn Код:
mysql_format(mysql,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE `users` SET `LastActivity` = %s WHERE WHERE `ID` = '%d'",
and heere I try set string beacuse from string is getting date and I try this PlayerInfo[playerid][LastActivity],PlayerInfo[playerid][ID]

and in database it give me this when I disconnect from server

251.750000000000000000 instead of


Re: [HELP] last activity - EiresJason - 02.04.2014

Try this.
pawn Код:
mysql_format(mysql,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE `users` SET `LastActivity` = '%s' WHERE WHERE `ID` = '%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][LastActivity],PlayerInfo[playerid][ID]);