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[Help] Change World time. - Printable Version

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[Help] Change World time. - Elanggg - 02.04.2014

How to change the World Time In Game to Real Time in my country?

*Comment please.

Re: [Help] Change World time. - LocMax - 02.04.2014

new Time;
foreach(Player, i)
     if(Time > 24) Time = 1;
     else Time++;
     SetPlayerTime(i, Time, 0);
And change it every 1 hour I guess

Re: [Help] Change World time. - Elanggg - 02.04.2014

still can not

Re: [Help] Change World time. - Elanggg - 02.04.2014

please help me ?

*reply this post

Re: [Help] Change World time. - LocMax - 02.04.2014

What still can not? you need to add a timer.

If you have 1 second timer running already then add this:

On top of script;
new changedtime, Time;
In the function which is ran with a timer of 1 second

if(gettime() - changedtime > 6000)
     foreach(Player, i)
          if(Time > 24) Time = 1;
          else Time++;
          SetPlayerTime(i, Time, 0);
          changedtime = gettime();

Re: [Help] Change World time. - Elanggg - 02.04.2014
