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Compile error 100 - Printable Version

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Compile error 100 - SuperSpeedee - 01.04.2014

I usually get 100fatal error when i compile PWN files to AMX with PAWNO.
my PAWNO can not read from includes file.
help please

Re: Compile error 100 - Bingo - 01.04.2014

Which include?

Say me it(s) name, I will get you onto.

Re : Compile error 100 - samp_boy - 01.04.2014

show us the code

Re: Compile error 100 - M3HR4N - 01.04.2014

show us your #includes of server

Re: Compile error 100 - SuperSpeedee - 01.04.2014

my PAWNO can not read from a lot if to fix it?
MPM-a_samp-Checkpoint manager-...

Re: Compile error 100 - HK - 01.04.2014

Create a new folder on your desktop and drag all the files from your old folder into the new, close the Pawno program, open it in the new one and afterwards compile your script again and it should work.

Re: Compile error 100 - Bingo - 01.04.2014

Originally Posted by SuperSpeedee
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my PAWNO can not read from a lot if to fix it?
MPM-a_samp-Checkpoint manager-...

Open your gamemode.pwn and show as all like this one
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <JunkBuster>

Press F5 and paste here your all errors as you'ev mentioned Cannot read from file.

Re: Compile error 100 - Abagail - 01.04.2014

Don't open PAWNO by double-clicking the .pwn file, open pawno.exe in your pawno folder.

Re: Compile error 100 - SuperSpeedee - 04.04.2014

Thank you Abagail!It work!