House cars problem - Printable Version
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House cars problem -
Warm - 01.04.2014
Hi everyone !
I have a problem with my system house car. I made this
new Float:HouseCarSpawns[1][4] = {
{-2637.2449,165.0438,4.4314,180.0391}//House 0
for vehicles coordonates. Now the problem, when i put this code in OnGameModeInit, code for loading vehicles when server starts,
for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(HouseInfo); h++)
if(HouseInfo[h][hVec] == 568) AddStaticVehicleEx(HouseInfo[h][hVec], HouseCarSpawns[h][0], HouseCarSpawns[h][1], HouseCarSpawns[h][2], HouseCarSpawns[h][3], HouseInfo[h][hVcol1], HouseInfo[h][hVcol2], -1);
if(h < 9) format(string, sizeof(string), "House 00%d", h+1);
else if(h >= 9 && h < 99) format(string,sizeof(string), "House 0%d", h+1);
else if(h >= 99) format(string,sizeof(string), "House %d", h+1);
SetVehicleNumberPlate(AddStaticVehicleEx(HouseInfo[h][hVec], HouseCarSpawns[h][0], HouseCarSpawns[h][1], HouseCarSpawns[h][2], HouseCarSpawns[h][3], HouseInfo[h][hVcol1], HouseInfo[h][hVcol2], -1), string);
my server not working fine, al textdraw shows, speedometer dosen't work etc.
When i remove that code my server work normaly. I don't know where is the problem ...
Thanks !
Re: House cars problem -
Warm - 02.04.2014
Anyone can help me ?