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Issue regarding my GTA:SA - Printable Version

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Issue regarding my GTA:SA - Fantastic - 31.03.2014


So, I'm currently experiencing an irritating issue with launching my gtaa which is It simply wont load! When I launch GTA:SA (or SA-MP) my screen just zoomes in and then stops responding (a loading sign pops up). Anyone know/have/has a solution to this terrible issue?

Much appreciated.


Re: Issue regarding my GTA:SA - DRUNKY - 31.03.2014

A screenshot/video might be helpful.

Re: Issue regarding my GTA:SA - Fantastic - 31.03.2014

Wouldn't be able to provide a screenshot as once GTA:SA starts not responding I must restart my laptop.

Re: Issue regarding my GTA:SA - Jstylezzz - 31.03.2014

Did it run before? And, is your laptop capable of running it? Do you have any mods installed?

Few questions to narrow down the issue

Re: Issue regarding my GTA:SA - Innceptionist - 31.03.2014

Try updating your drivers or check if you're even meeting the minimum requirements. Search on ******, there are multiple tutorials & solutions - and make sure you've installed the game correctly.

Re: Issue regarding my GTA:SA - Abagail - 31.03.2014

Try re-installing. While trying these things out, I recommend you to get a program such as SuperF4, allowing you to exit an application even if the application crashed, and you can't get out of it(depending on the state of windows, how-ever). Try it!


Re: Issue regarding my GTA:SA - iZN - 31.03.2014

That must be something related to messed up .dll files inside your GTA San Andreas or probably a virus. Try out the following methods which may work out:

- Re-install GTA San Andreas.
- Re-install SA-MP.
- Do not install any modification to GTA San Andreas. Remove any modifications you've installed or just see the first point.
- Try renaming your GTA San Andreas directory to some other name.
- Scan your PC with antivirus for any possible virus.