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[BEGINNER] Need help destroying vehicles - Printable Version

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[BEGINNER] Need help destroying vehicles - dovys11 - 30.03.2014

I have started writing my first script from scratch recently, and I need help with two functions:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/freecar", cmdtext, true, 8) == 0)
		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
		return 1;
	return 0;
public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
	if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)
	    return 1;
	return 0;
So my question is: is there any easy way to do that only cars which were created with /freecar command would be destroyed upon exit? At the moment any vehicle is destroyed and not respawning.

Re: [BEGINNER] Need help destroying vehicles - dovys11 - 30.03.2014

Thank you very much, it works! I didn't test it with more than one player, but I hope it will work.

Also, if you could add comments explaining how this code works or give me a link to a tutorial where it is explained I would greatly appreciate =]

Re: [BEGINNER] Need help destroying vehicles - Evocator - 30.03.2014


pawn Код:
new FreeCar[MAX_PLAYERS] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; //this is a global variable, LINK 1.

OnPlayerConnect(playerid) FreeCar[playerid] = -1;
OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid) FreeCar[playerid] = -1;

//im setting the global variable to -1 so its invalid when a player connects, and disconnects, this should be stated when dealing with multiple players so it wont mess up between them...

if (strcmp("/freecar", cmdtext, true, 8) == 0) //thats ur cmd
        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
        FreeCar[playerid] = CreateVehicle(542,x,y,z,90,-1,-1,0); //here we are specifying that variable to this spawned car of this player by adding 'playerid' next to it

        return 1;

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
    if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0 && FreeCar[playerid] != -1) //when the player exits the vehicle, and his state is as a driver and his car IS NOT equal to -1(as when he connected) this car gets removed :]
            FreeCar[playerid] = -1;  //then this sets the variable to -1 again so when he/she types the cmd again, the variable will be specified to the new spawned car.
        return 1;
    return 0;

Re: [BEGINNER] Need help destroying vehicles - dovys11 - 30.03.2014

Thank you very much for your help!
+rep =]
