Teleport -
CroM256 - 30.03.2014
Hi, I made little derby system and i want to know how to do this:
if players variable "derbyplace" is 1 then teleport player on first coordinates, if derbyplace is 2 then on second...
I don't know how should i use "SetPlayerPos(playerid, d2[0][1],d2[0][2],d2[0][3]);" for the first one?? or what?
new Float:d2[][] =
Re: Teleport -
RenovanZ - 30.03.2014
pawn Код:
SetPlayerPos(playerid, d2[0][1],d2[0][2],d2[0][3]); //for the 1
SetPlayerPos(playerid, d2[1][1],d2[1][2],d2[1][3]); // for 2 and so on
Re: Teleport -
Konstantinos - 30.03.2014
I'd like to point out that the index starts from 0 so it would be: d2[0][0], d2[0][1], d2[0][2]
Index 3 is out of bounds.
You can use another array with the size of d2 so you can know which position is taken and move on:
pawn Код:
new bool: d2_available[sizeof (d2)];
pawn Код:
for (new j; j != sizeof (d2_available); ++j)
if (d2_available[j]) continue;
d2_available[j] = true;
SetPlayerPos(playerid, d2[j][0],d2[j][1],d2[j][2]);
Re: Teleport -
CroM256 - 01.04.2014
Konstantinos this works, but now every player on derby is spawned on x=d2[0][0] y=d2[0][1] z=d2[0][2]
if(derbycount > 1)
derbyon = 1;
SetTimer("derbystart", 3000, 0);
for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(derby[i] == 88)
for (new j; j != sizeof (derbyspawns3_available); ++j)
if (derbyspawns3_available[j]) continue;
GameTextForPlayer(i, "3", 1000, 6);
SetTimerEx("tri", 1000, 0, "i", i);
derbyspawns3_available[j] = true;
new veh = CreateVehicle(541,0,0,0, derbyspawns3[0][3],-1,-1,-1);
SetVehiclePos(veh, derbyspawns3[0][0], derbyspawns3[0][1],derbyspawns3[0][2]);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 8888);
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(veh, 8888);
TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
derbyfall[i] = 0;
dsp[i] = 0;
isalive[i] =1;
Re: Teleport -
Konstantinos - 01.04.2014
Because you set it for the first index (0):
pawn Код:
SetVehiclePos(veh, derbyspawns3[0][0], derbyspawns3[0][1],derbyspawns3[0][2]);
It should be:
pawn Код:
SetVehiclePos(veh, derbyspawns3[j][0], derbyspawns3[j][1],derbyspawns3[j][2]);
and keep in mind that if the second dimension is 3 in derbyspawns3 array, then the valid indexes are between 0 and 2 so the 3 as angle will be out of bounds unless the size is 4 or none specified.