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Buying a new laptop need! - gotwarzone - 30.03.2014

Hi. Today i'm going to buy my own new laptop and I need your advice which laptop brand and specs is better for gaming. My budget is around 700 USD (i'm from abu dhabi so 700 USD = around 2,500 DHS)

For my own preference I'd chosen Lenovo i5 (same with my cousins laptop that can able to play any games without any lag even the game settings are on high resolutions)

I don't know exactly the spec but I heard it has a built in 2gb graphic card. So I think this is a huge impact for gaming that I must have in my laptop.

Sorry for my bad english i'm trying to do my best. But I hope you understand what i'am saying.

Please don't say to buy alienware pc/laptop. Thank you and I would be really appreciate to any response.

Additional: I'd like choose one of these brands DELL and LENOVO. But if you can recommend me better brand please let me know. Also I really wanted to play GTA 4 and other pc game like Total War Shogun 2. I tried to play this on my desktop dell dual core 256mb ram and my desktop just suddenly turned off and couldn't open anymore.


Also I need to know which are the good specs like:


Operating System:

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - AggravatedEgo - 30.03.2014

The brand isn't an issue.. I'd say get a PC with CPU Intel i5 or i7 and me personally would rather NVIDIA Geforce over AMD Radeon.. Also, a 2gb graphic card isn't a bad size.

I wish you luck in your new PC, I'd also go a desktop over a laptop.

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - gotwarzone - 30.03.2014

Originally Posted by AggravatedEgo
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The brand isn't an issue.. I'd say get a PC with CPU Intel i5 or i7 and me personally would rather NVIDIA Geforce over AMD Radeon.. Also, a 2gb graphic card isn't a bad size.

I wish you luck in your new PC, I'd also go a desktop over a laptop.
Hi. Thank you for your response. I'd chose laptop coz I need it also for my office. And I heard in some forum discussion they said i5 is better than i7 for some reasons. i5 is good for me coz my budget is not enough for i7. And anyway what is 3ghz and some 2.50ghz? If I will choose 3ghz do my laptop can handle more lags?

This site is where i'am looking uae souq maybe if you have time to look at it and guide me for specs.

Anyway what is Operating System: DOS? Can I run windows application like (.exe)?

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - Niko_boy - 30.03.2014

Dos is basicly "disk operating system" which works on commands but here Dos laptops are one which are free to have any windows installation. By Default laptop will come with Dos and you can install any different window on it.

p.S: Other laptops that come with Windows itself (genuine ones) require additional settings to be able to install different windows , sometime you cannot install any other version except that comes with Laptop recovery itself.

While in Laptops that come with Dos , you can easily install different operating systems.

For suggestions:
Acer V5-552G-X414:
has a good GPU 8750M class which is fairly good than any other laptop with closest prices. It could run games like BF4 on average of 30fps on medium presets and combination with 1280x768 resolutions.
GTA 4 should be fine with this

Secondly, Asus X450JF with i7-4700HQ 4th Gen Processor
a little out of your range but a 745M combination with i7 here is a good setup and would play fairly about 30fps in any game for Medium at 720-1080 resolutions.

Honestly, laptops doesnt does any good in gaming except for lowest , unless you spend around 1500$'s.
However for 700$ only you can get a very good gaming PC :P

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - gotwarzone - 30.03.2014

Originally Posted by Niko_boy
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Dos is basicly "disk operating system" which works on commands but here Dos laptops are one which are free to have any windows installation. By Default laptop will come with Dos and you can install any different window on it.

p.S: Other laptops that come with Windows itself (genuine ones) require additional settings to be able to install different windows , sometime you cannot install any other version except that comes with Laptop recovery itself.

While in Laptops that come with Dos , you can easily install different operating systems.
Wow thanks I understand now. And I remember when i'm in college I use a computer where when I start the PC you can choose any windows you want. So i'm pretty sure now that we ware using DOS that time.

About the specs can you help me? If I will buy a 4GB ram is that automatically considered as a gaming laptop? Anyway I might have problem with DOS OS so I might choose windows 8 or 7 instead.

PS. OMG I just can't wait to go back home to buy one.

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - Niko_boy - 30.03.2014

i updated my post you might want to re-read it.
Also i just want to mention again you wont really have that big problem with Dos as once you install windows you are good to go.

8GB is very recommended for gaming. However 4GB is fairly enough for same purposes too. You can expand memory to 8GB easily in current laptops though.
So look at around 4GB ram and forget about it. Consider more better Graphic card class. Nvidia's GTX 650M and above and 740M are good graphic card that might come bundled with good budget laptops.

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - gotwarzone - 30.03.2014

Originally Posted by Niko_boy
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i updated my post you might want to re-read it.
Also i just want to mention again you wont really have that big problem with Dos as once you install windows you are good to go.

8GB is very recommended for gaming. However 4GB is fairly enough for same purposes too. You can expand memory to 8GB easily in current laptops though.
So look at around 4GB ram and forget about it. Consider more better Graphic card class. Nvidia's GTX 650M and above and 740M are good graphic card that might come bundled with good budget laptops.
Yes thanks I've red them. And thanks for giving me ideas, this is really useful for me though I spent 8 yrs with different computers I still don't have enough ideas which specs should I use. Also does DOS can able to run x64 x84 x32?

Furthermore these are some summary options

Processor: Intel Core i5
HDD: 750 GB
Graphics: 2 GB
Operating System: Windows 8

Processor: Intel Core i5
HDD: 500 GB
Graphics: 2 GB dedicated card
Operating System: DOS

I also want to ask if 800 series are the latest ones for Nvidia? and how about the AMD radeon what is the latest(good for gaming)?

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - Astralis - 30.03.2014

Go with 8 GB ram minimum, about graphics card - Nvidia GT 2 GB.

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - gotwarzone - 30.03.2014

Originally Posted by Neonman
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Go with 8 GB ram minimum, about graphics card - Nvidia GT 2 GB.
Hi thanks neon man. If I will buy 8gb ram and graphic card is shared. does it affect the game too much?

Re: Buying a new laptop need! - YoDawg - 30.03.2014

Originally Posted by gotwarzone
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Hi thanks neon man. If I will buy 8gb ram and graphic card is shared. does it affect the game too much?
It depends on the game. RAM's operate how fast the programs open and the simulating process of your computer anyway, 8GB is good. Make sure to check the speed, like is it 1888Mhz or similar to that.