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Wierd problem - Printable Version

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Wierd problem - Daniel_Truk - 27.03.2014

I have this problem with 3dtextlabels. They work fine all of them, but the one that are attched to objects dont show unless the object gets destroyed. example a parking meter says 0 minutes above but it dose not show unless you run down the parking meter?

Any help


Re: Wierd problem - Dokins - 27.03.2014

Can I see your code please?

Re: Wierd problem - Daniel_Truk - 27.03.2014

        CreateObject(1270, ParkMeter[h][0], ParkMeter[h][1], ParkMeter[h][2], 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0);
        ParkMetID[h]=CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("0 Minutes",0xFFFFFFFF, ParkMeter[h][0], ParkMeter[h][1], ParkMeter[h][2]+0.50, 5.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, 0, 0, -1, 100.0);
Worked fine befor 0.3z, i tried also have the newest version of the streamer

Re: Wierd problem - Dokins - 27.03.2014

Can I see the timer?

Re: Wierd problem - Daniel_Truk - 27.03.2014

	            for(new h= 0; h < sizeof(ParkMeter); h++)
	                    CreateLableText(i,"Park Meter"," ~w~Type ~b~/parkmeter.");
	for(new h= 0; h < sizeof(ParkMeter); h++)
	    if(ParkMetCash[h] > 0)
		    format(string, sizeof(string),"%d Minutes",ParkMetCash[h]);
	        UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(ParkMetID[h], 0xFFFFFFFF, string);

Re: Wierd problem - Daniel_Truk - 27.03.2014

Like the system works fine, but its not showing unless I break the parking meter. I dont know if the issue is in the streamer or the objects or what.. Never seen something like this befor

Re: Wierd problem - Dokins - 27.03.2014

There is no AttachDynamic3DTextLabelToObject yet, however.

Check all of this:

First, make sure your object limit isn't reached, although I doubt it's that.
testLOS parameter on your object creation line, that may hide the text behind it.

if it's not that, try creating the label before creating the object, as in put createlabel before createobject.

Re: Wierd problem - Daniel_Truk - 27.03.2014

ParkMetID[h]=CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("0 Minutes",0xFFFFFFFF, ParkMeter[h][0], ParkMeter[h][1], ParkMeter[h][2]+0.50, 5.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, 1, 1, 1, 100.0);
Changed it to that. Now it dose not even show up. Not even when I run the parking meeter down

Re: Wierd problem - Dokins - 27.03.2014

Have you reached maximum amount of Parking Meters?

Re: Wierd problem - Daniel_Truk - 27.03.2014

There is no maximum, I got 122 parking meters set, they work fine. Only if you destroy the item it shows the text. So I dont know what the problem can be. I just noticed the TestLOS was enabled from the start. But I gonna try adding the textlabel before object


CreateObject(1270, ParkMeter[h][0], ParkMeter[h][1], ParkMeter[h][2], 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0);
Gonna try removing this to see how it acts