Need Help from High REP -
Jigsaw123 - 22.03.2014
Hello guys.. I need someone with 15 REP to post a server Advertistment for me.. I will create the ad, If you can just paste it :P.. It is a new Server.. War Roleplay server [That is not the name of it] ... War has struck between some countries.. Russia has taken over San Fierro.. USA over Los Santos.. And Romania over Red county.. LV is going to be a huge jungle/Battlefield .. A TON of features.. If you can post an ad for me.. You will get rewarded IG
Thank you very much!
Re: Need Help from High REP -
LeGGGeNNdA - 22.03.2014
That's not allowed. You can't ask someone to make an advertisement for you, earn your reputation points by posting maps or filterscripts and then make it yourself.