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Rep help - Printable Version

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Rep help - Luminar - 22.03.2014

I seen players give me rep,but it still show 0.

Re: Rep help - Windrush - 22.03.2014

-1 Lol

Ask it to Beta Testers.

Re: Rep help - YoDawg - 22.03.2014

If the players don't have the requirement of the rep, for example: post count and their reputation points.

Re: Rep help - iHawks - 22.03.2014

Ask it to Beta Testers.

Re: Rep help - KingHual - 22.03.2014

Ask dugi, he'll help

Re: Rep help - Luminar - 26.03.2014

he didn't reply to pm...

Re: Rep help - Bingo - 26.03.2014

I guees they have to be 30 days registered something like that and also there post count 20+.


Re: Rep help - DowDaw - 26.03.2014

There is requirement for players to give rep for example you need atleast 20-30+ posts and rep 10 to give player rep, I guess, you may ask one of beta tester team and they will tell you.

Re: Rep help - AlonzoTorres - 26.03.2014

The person should have AT LEAST 50 posts to be able to give a reputation point, else It'll show as GREY on your UCP, and it won't show under your avatar.

Re: Rep help - iZN - 26.03.2014

Those reputations will not be added until they have the required posts. Those reputation will be added once the rep'd user gets the required post count.