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[FilterScript] [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - Printable Version

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[FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - boemeles - 09.09.2008


Somewhere in a kingdom, far, far away,

Was a king who lived in all possible royalness you can imagine. His hunger for food went so far, instead of having a vault for all his money he had some fridges installed! Even then all the food he had was not enough for his big tummy. One day he thought: i'm king, why not steal from the people in my kingdom, so he ordered them to bring all their food to the castle.

As soon as all the food was planted on tables and the servants gone away, some huge explosion happened in front of the tables, and there was he! ZaBerteus! God of Hunger! Even though he was the god of hunger he decided that this went to far, and therefore the king needed to be punished!

He removed all the food from the long tables, and gave it back to the villagers, they lived happily ever after, but the king? He had got a normal human disease called: satisfiedness (by this, its a disease!) and since then, the king could only eat when he was hungry!

The end.

Short Description

This: MUST be usefull for RP guys
- 5 minutes after spawning, you're starting to feel hungry
- 1 minute after feeling hungry, you're starting to lose health
- when you've lost all your health, you die, and all starts over!


PasteBin - Reupped


- Me!
- Look 2 posts down for more credits

If you find anything weird, please be so kind to tell me!

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - mave_man - 09.09.2008

lol, this is fun xD

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - Rks25 - 09.09.2008

Nice Script.

PS: i belong to the credits (Idea)

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - Rks25 - 09.09.2008

Nice Script.

PS: i belong to the credits (Idea)

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - boemeles - 09.09.2008

Originally Posted by Rksss
PS: i belong to the credits (Idea)

dont you find that sentence a bit weird? Credits? thought you never heard of them :S..

but anyway, ty for comment and ill add you

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - krisis32 - 27.11.2008

Link is down

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - boemeles - 27.11.2008

Originally Posted by krisis32
Link is down
I think is just not working, I upped it somewhere else for you

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - krisis32 - 27.11.2008


Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - Moumen - 16.01.2011

whene you get hungy , what shold you do , to stop it ? I mean just eating in any place ?

Re: [FS] Hunger aka NeedToEat - Fool - 16.01.2011

Originally Posted by Moumen
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whene you get hungy , what shold you do , to stop it ? I mean just eating in any place ?
hey, didnt you see that this Topic is 2 years old?