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remove something from - Printable Version

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remove something from - betta - 16.03.2014

When i try to remove the following

f(PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDActive] == 1)
						    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, " * You have been caught speeding while on a Trucking Delivery, it has been recorded.");
						    PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDSpeeding] ++;
I get a speed error.

// Timer Name: SpeedCameraCheck()
// TickRate: 1 second.
ptask SpeedCameraCheck[500](playerid)
	new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >=2 || IsACopCar(carid) || IsAnLVMPDCar(carid) || IsAnMPSCar(carid) || IsAFBICar(carid) || IsAnAmbulance(carid) || IsAnCHPCar(carid) || IsAnSASDCar(carid) || IsAnDOCCar(carid)
		|| IsAPersonalCopCar(carid) || GetPlayerColor(playerid) == COLOR_VIP) {
		return 1;
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pReceivedSpeedTicket] >= 1) {
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][pReceivedSpeedTicket] --;
    for(new c=0; c<MAX_SPEEDCAMS; c++) {
    	if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15, SpeedCams[c][SCamX], SpeedCams[c][SCamY], SpeedCams[c][SCamZ]) && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {
    	    new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    	    new Float:Speed = GetVehicleSpeed(veh, 0);
    	    if(GetVehicleModel(veh) == 414 || GetVehicleModel(veh) == 456)
    	        if(floatround(Speed/1.609) > 50)
    	            if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pReceivedSpeedTicket] == 0) {
						new string[128];
						new SpeedPrice = 1500;
						format(string,sizeof(string)," ** You were caught doing over 55 MPH in a Box Truck. Your were issued a ticket for $%d.",SpeedPrice);

						if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP] > 1) {
							PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP] -= 1;
							format(string,sizeof(string)," * You also received 1 point off your license. You have %d points remaining.",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP]);
						else {
						    PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP] =0;
						    PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] =0;
						    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, " * Your drivers license has been revoked as you lost 5 points from your license. You must go get a new one at City Hall.");

						format(string,sizeof(string)," * You must pay off this or any tickets at the DMV using /paytickets at the terminal inside.");

						PlayerInfo[playerid][pSpeedTix] += SpeedPrice;

						PlayerInfo[playerid][pReceivedSpeedTicket] = 10;

						if(PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDActive] == 1)
							    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, " * You have been caught speeding while on a Trucking Delivery, it has been recorded.");
							    PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDSpeeding] ++;
			if(floatround(Speed/1.609) > SpeedCams[c][CamSpeed]) {
			    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pReceivedSpeedTicket] == 0) {
					new string[128];
					new SpeedPrice = (floatround(Speed/1.609)-SpeedCams[c][CamSpeed])+800;
					format(string,sizeof(string)," ** You were caught doing %dMPH in a %dMPH zone. Your were issued a ticket for $%d.",floatround(Speed/1.609),SpeedCams[c][CamSpeed],SpeedPrice);

					if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP] > 1) {
						PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP] -= 1;
						format(string,sizeof(string)," * You also received 1 point off your license. You have %d points remaining.",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP]);
					else {
					    PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicP] =0;
					    PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] =0;
					    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, " * Your drivers license has been revoked as you lost 5 points from your license. You must go get a new one at City Hall.");

					format(string,sizeof(string)," * You must pay off this or any tickets at the DMV using /paytickets at the terminal inside.");

					PlayerInfo[playerid][pSpeedTix] += SpeedPrice;

					PlayerInfo[playerid][pReceivedSpeedTicket] = 10;

     if(PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDActive] == 1)
						    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, " * You have been caught speeding while on a Trucking Delivery, it has been recorded.");
						    PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDSpeeding] ++;
	return 1;

Re: remove something from - Matess - 16.03.2014

Have you removed it like this?:
pawn Код:
if(PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDActive] == 1)
                            SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, " * You have been caught speeding while on a Trucking Delivery, it has been recorded.");
                            PlayerTruckJob[playerid][pTDSpeeding] ++;

Re: remove something from - betta - 16.03.2014

Thank you sir