Plese help guyz server lag - Printable Version
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Plese help guyz server lag -
Arjanz - 16.03.2014
Hi guyz my server is on gmxservers, it starts lagging when it reaches 10 players and above, is it host problem.
-The Ping remains normal
-But server lags like hell
So is it host sided problem or script sided probelm
My OnPlayerUpdate
Re: Plese help guyz server lag -
FlawPaw - 16.03.2014
hey guyz its ur gamemode, trust me.
or try opening a support ticket to your host
Re: Plese help guyz server lag -
Arjanz - 16.03.2014
Originally Posted by FlawPaw
hey guyz its ur gamemode, trust me.
or try opening a support ticket to your host
If its script sided can u tell me wat things shall i check to prevent lags
Re: Plese help guyz server lag -
NEXT0LIFE0RP - 16.03.2014
Have you done some heavy mappings?
Re: Plese help guyz server lag -
doreto - 16.03.2014
You have too many thinks in your OnPlayerUpdate callback.Thing about using timer.