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[Map] Island - Printable Version

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Island - KingyKings - 15.03.2014

Hey, this is quite a nice simple island with a cave which can be used for many things! Feel free to use it but if you wouldn't mind credit me for it If you like it possibly a +rep aswell?:3 Thanks anyways I hope you like it!

And you can download it below!


Re: Island - LeGGGeNNdA - 16.03.2014

Floating rocks, I know what I want for Christmas.

Re: Island - iChiCkeNBuTT - 16.03.2014

You just ruined the map with those messed rocks. All over its great island!

Re: Island - MpK - 16.03.2014

Few bugs but in general good map 7/10

You win my rep.

Re: Island - iChiCkeNBuTT - 16.03.2014

-Remove this post please-

Re: Island - KingyKings - 16.03.2014

Sorry for the rocks.. But thanks

Re: Island - IceShock - 16.03.2014

Two volcanoes , floating rocks, this makes this map amazing.


Re: Island - KingyKings - 17.03.2014

Getting cheeky are we?? ) hehehehe ^^

Re: Island - AaronFarley - 17.03.2014

You need to sort out those rocks. Its kills the island.

Plus try using a "beach" object instead of loads of island bases.

Re: Island - Pottus - 18.03.2014

Islands are the worst map choice there is.