Remove CJ Walkstyle - Printable Version
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Remove CJ Walkstyle -
Cjjonson - 13.03.2014
I downloaded the new server update 0.3z and made the server. When i play, the walkstyle is cj's which its different from the other server update. How can i make players in the server have NPC walkstyle or maybe like a walkstyle selector
Re: Remove CJ Walkstyle -
MP2 - 13.03.2014
Updating to 0.3z would not cause this. Search for UsePlayerPedAnims in your script(s) and remove it. Ctrl+F.
Also, why is this in
client support? You don't have an issue playing SA-MP - it's to do with your server.
Re: Remove CJ Walkstyle -
ACI - 13.03.2014
If there is nothing, then replace your ped file with the default one.