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Streamer causing bugs - Printable Version

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Streamer causing bugs - r3ct - 09.03.2014

Okay so I am having a few problems with incognitos streamer.

Lets say a player sean places his boombox it calls this code

pawn Код:
playersBoombox[playerid] = CreateDynamicObject(...);
then he leaves the area he placed his boombox while another player called David decides they want to pick their boombox up. it calls

pawn Код:
Sean comes back to his boombox and decides he wants to pick it up as well but since the object isn't streamed for anybody it gets recreated with a different id and is unable to do it.

I hope this makes sense for you but pretty much when an object gets deleted other objects that aren't streamed in for any players the ids get shifted around. Not modelids objectids.

Is there any way to stop this without using CreateObject instead?

Re: Streamer causing bugs - ChandraLouis - 09.03.2014

try download the latest

Re: Streamer causing bugs - ColeMiner - 09.03.2014

That's not how IDs work, I seriously doubt the streamer plugin does that and instead suspect it is another bug in your code.

Re: Streamer causing bugs - Aerotactics - 09.03.2014

I haven't been able to use anything for object ids except CreateObject. It never works, whether that's with moving objects, retextured, or material text. Streamer is not meant to use object ids, and is for static objects only.

Off topic: one thing I hate is when servers use streamer on ALL their objects, and create timers to freeze players while the objects load. Not only does it slow down the gameplay and increases timers which increases lag, it is redundant and sophomoric. Just use CreateObject on important objects like floors and get on with it.

Re: Streamer causing bugs - r3ct - 10.03.2014

Originally Posted by ColeMiner
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That's not how IDs work, I seriously doubt the streamer plugin does that and instead suspect it is another bug in your code.
Assumptions are bad. Go test it. Works just fine with CreateObject, if there was a bug in my code it wouldn't only happen when using createdynamicobject. I was having the same problem with checkpoints and had to go as far as disabling all the dynamic checkpoints at entrances while a player is on a job or when it was restreamed it wouldn't call the code when they enter it.