Viewing map names in string - Printable Version
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Viewing map names in string -
ConnorHunter - 07.03.2014
How would I make a string display the map name, or mode ect
Something like GetMapName or something along those lines.
Re: Viewing map names in string -
CutX - 07.03.2014
you could define the mapname on top of you script
pawn Код:
#define mapname SomeAwesomeMap
and then set it in OnGamemodeInit
pawn Код:
SendRconCommand("mapname "mapname"");
you can use the map name in a string like this
now "string" will hold the defined mapname
btw. you could also load the mapname from somewhere, making it more dynamic
Originally Posted by newbienoob
nice!didn't know that myself
Re: Viewing map names in string -
newbienoob - 07.03.2014