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[FilterScript] Helmet System (5 Random Helmets!) - Printable Version

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Helmet System (5 Random Helmets!) - SyntaxQ - 07.03.2014

This is just a small filterscript, good for stunt/freeroam servers. It adds a helmet on top of the head when the player spawns! There are 5 helmets, the script randomly picks a helmet and place it on the head. You can disable or enable the helmet using /helmet!


PasteBin (Click)

1) Copy the script from the Pastebin and put it in PAWNO.
2) Save it in filterscripts folder by a name and compile it using F5.
3) Open server.cfg file and add that name in filterscripts line.

Don't forget to +rep if you like my work!

Re: Helmet System (5 Random Helmets!) - FreAkeD - 08.03.2014

Wow, this seems really interesting. Nice and simple!