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Sa-Mp Media Pictures - Printable Version

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Sa-Mp Media Pictures - lordturhan - 04.03.2014

Don't know if this is the right section to post it but..

I have noticed that pictures in the Media Page (The one in the homepage) are really old and boring. I think they can be re-placed with better pictures or videos to promote SA-MP even better.

Maybe a competion to choose the pictures? Who knows? But i think it should be changed.

Re: Sa-Mp Media Pictures - [FSaF]Jarno - 04.03.2014

I made a thread about this a while back. Seems like everyone thinks the same, they should be changed :3

Re: Sa-Mp Media Pictures - newbienoob - 04.03.2014

Agreed! Those ancient pictures need to be changed. How old are those pictures anyway? 6?
Btw, I've got a nice picture here; (from deluxhost. gta6287 was me :3)