Regenerate HP - Printable Version
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Regenerate HP -
Blackazur - 02.03.2014
Hello, how can i make that a team regenerates +2 hp in 3 seconds?
Re: Regenerate HP -
Clad - 02.03.2014
Create a timer
AW: Regenerate HP -
Blackazur - 02.03.2014
Any example?
Re: Regenerate HP -
Psyhophatic - 02.03.2014
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
forward RegenHP(playerid);
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
return 1;
public RegenHP(playerid)
return 1;
P.S: No tested
Re: Regenerate HP -
MP2 - 03.03.2014
If to do that their health is going to go up forever. They'll end up on like 4748485 health and will be pretty much invincible.
Also, in this circumstance a single timer with a loop may be better.
Re: Regenerate HP -
gotwarzone - 03.03.2014
So how do you make it stop when he reach 100% of health?
Re: Regenerate HP -
CutX - 03.03.2014
Originally Posted by gotwarzone
So how do you make it stop when he reach 100% of health?
like this
(gonna use ytimers)
pawn Код:
//global timer var
new Timer:health_T[MAX_PLAYERS];//declaring a timer var
//start the timer from somewhere.. idk.. maybe a command?
health_T[playerid] = repeat health(playerid);//asign that repeat timer's id to the player var
//the timer itself, !outside! just like a function, that's what these timers are
timer health[3000](playerid)//getting called for that player every 3 seconds
new float:ckh;
if(ckh > 100)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid,100);//set it to 100, cuz it might be 101. You can cut that out ofc since the difference between 100 and 101 isn't rly much
stop health_T[playerid];//stop the timer
return 1;
additional note:i didn't code for months but the code should be okey, i guess...