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MySQL..? - JimmyNeonHD - 01.03.2014

Hey, im an old member in this forum... i rebuild my server.. and im using MellAdmin system...

And i success with scripting my server but i had a little problem with MySQL?

I used this tutorial

And i follow all the steps... nothing is wrong.. but when i finish and i launch the server to see if everything is alright.. i found that it didn't loaded?

pawn Код:
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664          Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:           5448 bytes
Code size:           151624 bytes
Data size:           208524 bytes
Stack/heap size:       9600 bytes; estimated max. usage: unknown, due to recursion
Total requirements:  375196 bytes
Any idea?

I have MySQL r34 plugin ._.

Re: MySQL..? - M3HR4N - 01.03.2014

explain more ...
what 's the error ?

Re: MySQL..? - JimmyNeonHD - 01.03.2014

true it shows that

false.. it shows thst

that's mean with true the fs doesn't load...

anyway it says use MySQL_r7 from where to get that?