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NVCNR-GM SSCANF problem - Printable Version

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NVCNR-GM SSCANF problem - trukker1998 - 01.03.2014


I downloaded the NVCNR gamemode, now I installed all plugins.. and for the streamer an older version.
Now my sscanf say functions are not registered.


Who can help me?

Re: NVCNR-GM SSCANF problem - kbalor - 01.03.2014

Make sure you are using the latest version of sscanf and the same version as well (.dll, .so for linux and .inc) recompile your gm and fs.

EDIT: add sccanf.dll (.so) in your server.cfg under plugins (I think you already have this)

Re: NVCNR-GM SSCANF problem - trukker1998 - 01.03.2014

Originally Posted by kbalor
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Make sure you are using the latest version of sscanf and the same version as well (.dll, .so for linux and .inc) recompile your gm and fs.

EDIT: add sccanf.dll (.so) in your server.cfg under plugins (I think you already have this)
Thankyou, you fixed my problem!