pawn Код:
stock IsVehicleInWater(vehicleid)
new Float:water_areas[][] =
{25.0, 2313.0, -1417.0, 23.0},
{15.0, 1280.0, -773.0, 1082.0},
{15.0, 1279.0, -804.0, 86.0},
{20.0, 1094.0, -674.0, 111.0},
{26.0, 194.0, -1232.0, 76.0},
{25.0, 2583.0, 2385.0, 15.0},
{25.0, 225.0, -1187.0, 73.0},
{50.0, 1973.0, -1198.0, 17.0}
for(new t=0; t < sizeof water_areas; t++)
if(GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint(vehicleid,water_areas[t][1],water_areas[t][2],water_areas[t][3]) <= water_areas[t][0]) return 1;
return 0;
I want to make it for a derby system so it should constantly check if a vehicle falls in the water.