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Can't run server - Printable Version

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Can't run server - TheJoseph98 - 01.03.2014

I can't run the server for some reason, I get this error
Script[gamemodes/freeroamforever.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
I double checked, the gamemode is in the gamemodes folder it's capitalised and spelled correctly aswell as in server.cfg file, capitalised and spelled correctly, I don't know what's the problem :/

Re: Can't run server - Bingo - 01.03.2014

Check if all the plugins are loaded.

Post your server_log.

Re: Can't run server - TheJoseph98 - 01.03.2014

Thanks for reminding me for the plugins, I forgot to add plugins line to my server.cfg, thanks alot

Re: Can't run server - Bingo - 01.03.2014


No problem Enjoy .