Server not online on internet list -
Jaskaran - 01.03.2014
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 1234
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname Testing Server
gamemode0 RO-RP 1
filterscripts gl_actions gl_realtime gl_property gl_mapicon ls_mall ls_elevator attachments skinchanger vspawner
plugins sscanf streamer
announce 1
query 1
chatlogging 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
This is my server.cfg file
My port 7777 is open. The coding has no errors, no warnings. Everything fine. But, when i start server.exe file, it starts good but keep on showing the same info repeatedly and the server is not online on the internet list. Please help me.
Re: Server not online on internet list -
]Rafaellos[ - 01.03.2014
If it's 0.3x, is not going to be shown until you update it to 0.3z.
Re: Server not online on internet list -
Jaskaran - 01.03.2014
I think its in 0.3z only, how do I check it?
Re: Server not online on internet list -
Bingo - 01.03.2014
Originally Posted by Jaskaran
I think its in 0.3z only, how do I check it?
Open sa-mp server.exe and scroll to top.
You will see version 0.3_
Re: Server not online on internet list -
Jaskaran - 01.03.2014
It is showing 0.3z only.
Respuesta: Server not online on internet list -
Bingo - 01.03.2014
If you have your server in favorite list then you wont be able to see it in hostedtab or internetlist.
Use this tool to check whether your server is online or not.
Re: Server not online on internet list -
Kells - 01.03.2014
first When you run server with SERVER.exe its just test (it dosen't host on Internet) means No one can see you server online
you have To host it for example with (
Because Serve.exe puted to test Server before hosting it Thanks ... Hope you understood
Re: Server not online on internet list -
Bingo - 01.03.2014
Originally Posted by Kells
first When you run server with SERVER.exe its just test (it dosen't host on Internet) means No one can see you server online
you have To host it for example with (
Because Serve.exe puted to test Server before hosting it Thanks ... Hope you understood
He can host the server if he is done with portforwarding.
Re: Server not online on internet list -
Kells - 01.03.2014
i know but he didn't say he Portfowarded the server he said just Runed the server.exe
Re: Server not online on internet list -
Latyos - 01.03.2014
Originally Posted by Kells
first When you run server with SERVER.exe its just test (it dosen't host on Internet) means No one can see you server online
you have To host it for example with (
Because Serve.exe puted to test Server before hosting it Thanks ... Hope you understood
Totally wrong. You can portforward and host it locally