Forum help - Printable Version
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Forum help -
Golimad - 28.02.2014
Hello, I need to know how to put ******* videos format in a thread. Thanks
It should be something like But for ******* it should be like [*******] [/*******] ( I tried this but it doesn't work )
Thanks in advance
Re: Forum help -
Flake. - 28.02.2014
Im pretty sure it's just [video] [/.video]
Without the "." obviously.
Re: Forum help -
Golimad - 28.02.2014
Let's try here :
^Not working :O
Re: Forum help -
Flake. - 28.02.2014
My bad, it's [url] [/.url]
Re: Forum help -
AlonzoTorres - 28.02.2014
No you just post the YT video without HTTPS. Do not use URL tags. https:// should be removed and no tags should be used and it should work. Btw. This has nothing to do with scripting, but I agree that it's hard to find a good forum for this. Perhaps in the screenshot/video threads?
Re: Forum help -
Golimad - 28.02.2014
I know my bad, I'm sorry for that
Let's try it again : [video][/video]
It doesn't work unfortunately, could you give me an example please ?
Test of [url]
is working fine !