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Streamer Errors - Printable Version

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Streamer Errors - zcsonic386 - 28.02.2014

Hey guys... I'm getting really upset because my server's streaming is all messed up. It was fine until I put in some vehicle mods, but now when I go into the server the draw distance is all messed up and sometimes objects appear then disappear. I have a streamer plugin and .inc codes for the include for the script, but am receiving an error everytime I open the server...

[16:10:50] *** Streamer_CallbackHook: Expecting 11 parameter(s), but found 3
[16:10:52] *** Streamer_CallbackHook: Expecting 11 parameter(s), but found 3
[16:10:54] *** Streamer_CallbackHook: Expecting 11 parameter(s), but found 3

Any ideas? I am running 0.3x and have downloaded the latest (or what I believe is the latest) streamfix especially for my server type. Maybe it's the client end, or maybe it's the server. All help is appreciated! Thank you very much.

Re: Streamer Errors - Smileys - 28.02.2014

which object streamer do you use?

the plugin created by Incognito?

show us the lines where you use the streamer part, most likely CreateDynamicObject.

you're using 3 parameters, while you should use 11, as the error says.